Frequently Asked Questions About Helicopter Flight Training
This page highlights questions and answers related to helicopter flight training at ETL Aviation. The FAQs are organized under a general section, and then according each specific flight training course. Click the button to review questions abut that topic.
From the helicopter flight training pages, the questions and answers are listed under each course, along with additional information related to the training program. If you have additional questions, please contact us and we will gladly answer any questions that you may have.
We understand that is it a big commitment to learn to fly helicopters and that will have a lot of questions about the process. We have tried to document most of the common questions and answer that we get related to helicopter flight training in general and our specific courses at ETL Aviation. However, we know that everyone is unique and you may have other questions that we have not listed here.
If you have additional questions related to ETL Aviation’s helicopter flight training programs, please contact us. We understand that learning to fly helicopters is a big investment in time and money. We are here to help you make an informed decision when selecting a flight school for your helicopter training. We look forward to hearing from you.